Thursday, March 29, 2018


HATIMAYE jengo Kanisa la TAG City Harvest limezinduliwa na kuwekwa wakfu na Askofu Mkuu wa Tanzania Assemblies of God, Rev. Dk. Barnabas Mtokambali jumamosi ya wiki iliyopita.

Askofu Mtokambali alisisitiza juu ya sifa za nyumba ya Bwana ambazo ni Utakatifu, Maombi, Uponyaji, Sifa (Mahali pa Kusifu) na Kushinda Vikwazo; akihubiri kutoka kitabu cha Mathayo 21:12-17.

Uzinduzi huo wa City Harvest uliambatana na maadhimisho ya kutimiza miaka saba ya tangu lianze kutoa huduma za kiroho katika jiji la Dar es Salaam.

Tangu Februari, mwaka 2011, Kanisa la City Harvest limeendelea kukua na kupanua wigo katika kutimiza malengo yake hasa kuwasaidia wanataaluma vijana na wanafunzi wa vyuo vya elimu ya juu.

Muasisi wa City Harvest, Mchungaji Kiongozi, Architect Yared Dondo alipata maono ya kuanzisha kanisa hilo kwa lengo la kuwasaidia vijana wa vyuo kupata uelewa kuhusu masuala ya kiroho na kitaaluma na kuwafikia wanataaluma wenzao kwa Injili ya Kristo.
Mchungaji Dondo ambaye ni Msanifu wa Majengo (Architect) alipata maono hayo wakati akisimamia mradi wa ujenzi wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma (UDOM) miaka ya 2007/8.

Katika kipindi hicho, Mchungaji Dondo alishuhudia vijana wengi waliokuwa wanawasili katika eneo la chuo hicho kwa mara ya kwanza, ili kuanza masomo, lakini hapakuwepo na eneo maalum la kuwasaidia vijana kukusanyika kwa ajili masuala ya kiroho kama kuabudu na kumsifu Mungu.
“Niliwaangalia wanafunzi wale wanaingia na mizigo yao wakiwa na nyuso zilizojaa matumaini ya kuanza maisha mapya, kuvumbua mambo mapya na kupata taaluma na bila shaka maisha bora,”
“Moyo wangu uliugua, niliwaza jinsi ambavyo maisha ya Chuo bila Yesu yana mashaka mengi sana. Nikaona jinsi ambavyo rasilimali hii muhimu kwa wazazi na taifa  imepotea bila Yesu,” anaelezea mchungaji Dondo. 

Historia ya City Harvest
City Harvest lilianzishwa Februari 20, 2011, katika ukumbi wa sinema uliopo Mlimani City jijini Dar es Salaam.

Akielezea changamoto walizozipata pindi wanaanzisha kanisa hilo, Mchungaji Dondo anasema katika kipindi hicho kulitokea changamoto ya aina yake kwani awali walipata ukumbi kwenye jengo lingine, lakini baadae walipata taarifa kutoka kwa uongozi kuwa, jengo hilo haliwezi kutumika katika masuala ya kidini, ikiwa ni siku mbili kabla ya ibada ya kwanza kabisa kufanyika.

“Ilikuwa changamoto kubwa, kwa sababu maandalizi yote yalikuwa yamekamilika, lakini Mungu alituwezesha kupata ukumbi huu wa sinema ingawa gharama ilikuwa kubwa, tukaona tufanye angalau ufunguzi na mambo mengine yatafuata,” anasema.

“Kitu ambacho sitaweza kusahau katika maisha yangu, ni siku ambayo ukumbi wa watu 250 ulijaa na watu wakakaa mpaka kwenye ngazi (steps), wakiwemo watoto wengi; pamoja na kuwa tulibadili sehemu ya kukutania muda wa mwisho”

Kwa kipindi cha wiki 70, sawa na mwaka moja na nusu, City Harvest ilikuwa inalipa kiasi cha Tsh 900,000/- kwa saa tatu kila Jumapili kwenye ukumbi huo wa sinema.

Mchungaji Dondo anasema gharama ya kukodi ukumbi ilikuwa kubwa kumudu lakini sadaka ya Jumapili ya ufunguzi katika ukumbi wa sinema ilitosha kulipa gharama za pango siku hiyo na jumapili iliyofuata. Tulimshangaa Mungu

“Mungu aliendelea kutushangaza hivyo hivyo kwa muda wa miezi 18  hatukupungukiwa,” anasema.

Baada ya hapo mwaka 2012, mtumishi wa Mungu alitupatia ukumbi wa ibada na ofisi Mabibo Gereji, barabara ya Mandela, juu ya jengo la kituo cha Mafuta cha bure.

Hata hivyo, baada ya muda wa miaka 3, tulipokea barua na mamlaka za nchi zinazoshughulika na mambo ya mazingira.  “Barua ilitaka tuondoe kanisa katika maeneo ya biashara yake ya uuzaji mafuta vinginevyo asingeweza kupewa leseni kamili ya biashara yake mahali pale kwa misingi ya kiusalama na athari zinazoweza kutokana na moto”. Mwanzo tulishtuka, lakini tuliikubali changamoto ile.

Hatimaye mwishoni mwa mwaka 2013, tulianza maandalizi  kisaikolojia na maombi  kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa Kanisa.  Mchungaji Dondo aliunda kamati ya ujenzi Januari 2014 ambapo baadae Mungu alitusaidia kupata fremu ya jengo la kanisa (Prefabricated structure) kutoka Marekani.

Kutokana na walengwa wa huduma yetu kuwa wanafunzi hasa wa vyuo vikuu tulitafuta sana viwanja na kanisa viwe karibu na wanafunzi. 

“Tulitembelea viwanja vingi maeneo hayo na gharama zilikuwa kubwa, vingi pia vilikuwa vidogo lakini bei kubwa, tuliendelea tulimuamini Mungu kutupatia kilicho bora machoni pake”.  

Baadaye, aliyekuwa Askofu wa Mkuu wa TAG, Rev. Dk. Ranwell Mwenisongole ambaye ni Mchungaji Kiongozi wa kanisa la TAG CCC - Upanga alituwezesha kupata kiwanja hiki cha Bahari Beach ambapo sasa jengo limejengwa.

Usanifu wa Jengo la City Harvest
Kiwanja cha City Harvest kina kubwa wa mita za mraba 8,000 na jengo hilo lina ukumbi wa ibada wa kukaa watu zaidi ya 1,000, vyumba vya madarasa vitano na ofisi za wachungaji. 

Nje ya jengo kuna nyumba kwa ajili ya umisheni (Missions House) ambayo inatumika kwa ajili ya maandalizi ya kwenda missions au ushuhudiaji au kufanya kambi za maombi.

Pia eneo lingine limetengwa kwa ajili kiwanja cha michezo ambacho kwa sasa kipo wazi kwa ajili ya watoto wote.  Aidha huko mbeleni tuna mpango wa kujenga shule ya awali (Nursery School) ya kimataifa ambayo tayari iko kwenye matumizi ya mpango miji (land use plan).

City Harvest mpaka sasa ina wachungaji wapatao 15.  Kati yao wapo wachungaji wanaotumika kanisani muda wote na wengine ni wachungaji washiriki (Associate Pastors). 

Kanisa la Kimisheni
City Harvest ni kanisa la kimisheni, kwa miaka saba tumepeleka timu za umisheni South Sudan, Msumbiji, Kigoma, Rufiji, Mkuranga, Bagamoyo, Lindi, Tandahimba, Kibaha (Bonde la Baraka), Moshi na AfriKa ya Kusini.

Pia mwaka jana kwa kushirikiana na jimbo la Dodoma Kusini (Mpwapwa) kanisa hilo lilifanikiwa kupanda makanisa manne   Winza, Chogola, Chipogoro na Mtera katika mkoa wa Dodoma ikiwemo kununua kununua viwanja vine, kujenga jingo la Kanisa moja na kutegemeza wachungaji saba kwa sasa.  Tumeweza kununua kiwanja cha kanisa Lindi mjini na tunao mpango wa kufungua kanisa India, ili kuwafikia wanafunzi wa vyuo wa kitanzania wanaosoma huko. Tayari tumeshapata jengo Bangalore.

Mipango ya kanisa mwaka huu ni kupanda makanisa mengine manne huko (Mpwapwa), kwa kuanzia kulingana na mpango kazi aliotupa Askofu Mkuu. Kupitia kazi hii, Mungu ameibua vipawa mbalimbali katika kanisa kama wainjilisti, waalimu na hata uzoefu wa ushuhudiaji, na mwili wa Kristo umejengwa. Tunamtukuza Mungu. Pia tumefungua tawi la kanisa kule Kigamboni ili kuwafikia wanavyuo wanaokaa maeneo hayo na pia, tumeanzisha Bible Study, Haidary Plaza, ghorofa ya pili, kila Alhamisa saa 11.30 jioni, kuwasaidia kujifunza maandiko wanaofanya kazi katikati ya jiji na maeneo ya Posta.

Changamoto kubwa ya kanisa inatokana na maono ya kanisa kuwa wanafunzi ni washirika wa majira na nyakati. “Vyuo vikifunguliwa wanapatikana, vikifungwa wengi wanaondoka.  Hivyo tunakuwa na muda mfupi wa kuwahudumia pia wanapohitimu wanasambaa kutafuta ajira” 

Pia Kanisa linahitaji vifaa vya umisheni kwa ajili ya huduma za mikoani ambazo zinatawezesha kuwafikia watu wengi kiurahisi.

Kanisa la City Harvest linamshukuru Mungu kwa kufafanikisha kumalizia kazi ya ujenzi na mambo yate makubwa ambayo yameonekana kipindi chote.

“Mungu ni mwema sana, hadi sasa hatuna deni wala hatudaiwi na mtu au taasisi yoyote, Tumefanikiwa kuwa huru kwa madeni”, anasimulia Mchungaji Dondo.

Kanisa la City Harvest lilopo Bahari Beach pia limeanzisha huduma zinazoendelea kila Alhamisi saa 11 jioni katikati ya jiji kwenye jengo la Haidery Plaza na pia katika Kigamboni kila jumapili kuanzia saa 10 alasiri eneo la Boat Beach, Maweni Mbuyuni.

Kwa mawasiliano na kanisa la City Harvest, kwa maombi, maombezi na mengineyo, piga simu namba 0654320122 au tembelea ukurasa wa Facebook kujionea habari, picha, video na mafundisho kwa kutafuta jina la City Harvest Church Dar es Salaam. Waweza pia kuandika barua pepe kupitia anuani ya:

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Kanisa la TAG CIty Harvest linakukaribisha kwenye uzinduzi wa jengo lake la kanisa lilopo Bahari Beach na Mgeni Rasmi akiwa Mkuu wa Kanisa la TAG Tanzania, Askofu Barnabas Mtokambali

Monday, January 26, 2015


Meaning of the fear of the Lord
The main Hebrew and Greek words translated fear in the Bible can have several shades of meaning, but in the context of the fear of the Lord, they convey a positive reverence.

The Hebrew verb yare can mean “to fear, to respect, to reverence” and the Hebrew noun yirah “usually refers to the fear of God and is viewed as a positive quality. This fear acknowledges God’s good intentions (Ex. 20:20). … This fear is produced by God’s Word (Ps. 119:38; Prov. 2:5) and makes a person receptive to wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 1:7; 9:10)” (Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament, 2003, pp. 470-471).

The Greek noun phobos can mean “reverential fear” of God, “not a mere ‘fear’ of His power and righteous retribution, but a wholesome dread of displeasing Him” (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, “Fear, Fearful, Fearfulness”). This is the type of positive, productive fear Luke describes in the early New Testament Church:

“Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied” (Acts 9:31, emphasis added).

One resource includes this helpful summary: “The fear of God is an attitude of respect, a response of reverence and wonder. It is the only appropriate response to our Creator and Redeemer” (Nelson’s NKJV Study Bible, 1997, note on Psalm 128:1).

Purpose of fear
If you study the Bible, there is no mistaking the repeated commands to fear God. Wise King Solomon put it this way in explaining his reason for writing the book of Proverbs: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7).

Why? Consider these words of the psalmist: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever” (Psalm 111:10).

In Psalm 34 King David also tells us about learning the fear of the Lord: “Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. … Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it” (verses 11, 13-14).

A healthy fear of God includes the fear of the consequences of disobedience. There may be times of temptation or trial when we may forget some of the better reasons for obeying God, and that is when we had better think of the consequences (Exodus 20:20).

This is what Hebrews 10:26-31 tells us: “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

“Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. And again, ‘The LORD will judge His people.’ It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

Reverence of God helps us to take Him and His beneficial laws seriously. Being in harmony with the spiritual laws that govern the universe has astounding benefits. Many of these come in this life, but the greatest benefits will be experienced in the life to come (1 Timothy 4:8; Psalm 16:11).

Family rules
Consider this biblical analogy: Children learn their family rules partly through fear of correction (Hebrews 12:9-11). Of course, when they grow older, they should continue to follow the rules out of love.

God, whose family rules are even more important, also trains us to obey for our own good.

As incredible as it sounds, God wants us to actually be His children!

But we live in a world that is deceived and ruled by Satan. So we must come out of Satan’s ways—we must not be children of Satan (John 8:44). Instead we should learn the way of God’s family—the way of love. God is love (1 John 4:8), and His laws can be summarized as love for God and love for fellow man (Matthew 22:37-40).

Forgiveness and the fear of the Lord
Sadly, however, everyone sins and earns the death penalty. If everyone is just going to die forever, what would be the purpose of fear? Sure, we might be depressed and terrified, but is that what God really wants?

Consider this fascinating passage: “If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared” (Psalm 130:3-4).

God’s offer of forgiveness to those who repent gives us a reason to fear—a reason to change. It also gives us a reason to be eternally grateful and to grow in love to be more like our loving God!

How does love cast out fear?
The reverential fear of the Lord is designed to help us grow to become more like God—to grow in love. And this growth removes any need to be terrified of God’s judgment. As the apostle John put it:

“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:17-18).

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by Arndt and Gingrich gives an excellent explanation of the use of phobos in verse 18. In the specific context of the verse, the meaning is “slavish fear … which is not to characterize the Christian’s relation to God.”

The same shade of meaning is applied to the word fear in Romans 8:15, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” Though we are to voluntarily yield ourselves as bond servants or slaves to God, He is not an abusive, cruel slave driver who terrorizes and torments us, which is the point of this verse.

Some misunderstand and think that love casts out not only fear but law. However, John explains that God’s laws actually define God’s love:

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). This connection between God’s love and His 10 Commandments is also made clear in Paul’s writings and the Gospels (Romans 13:9-10; Matthew 22:37-40).

God wants His laws written on our hearts. For example, even if we had no fear of being caught, we should choose to never steal from others—because we love them and God.

We must never lose our respect and appreciation for God, but we should grow beyond being motivated solely by fear and rather be motivated by God’s love—having a deep love and respect for God and His words.

A different Greek word for fear is found in 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” The Greek deilia means “cowardice, timidity, fearfulness” (Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study New Testament). Deilia is consistently used in a negative manner, unlike phobos. Revelation 21:8, referred to earlier, uses deilos, the adjective form of this word.

Eternal benefits of the fear of the Lord
So, rather than a paralyzing terror, the positive fear of the Lord taught in the Bible is a key element in change. It helps us have a proper, humble perspective of ourselves in relation to our awesome God; it helps us in times of temptation when we need to remember the serious consequences of disobeying God; and it motivates us to become more like our loving Creator.

By doing these things, the fear of the Lord helps bring eternal benefits:

“Do not let your heart envy sinners, but be zealous for the fear of the LORD all the day; for surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:17-18).
“The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death” (Proverbs 14:27).
“The fear of the LORD leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; he will not be visited with evil” (Proverbs 19:23).


Hello Dear Insighters

We have been quiet for a while, thank you for your patience as we were setting some things right.

Now welcome back to our blog, where you will be getting various inspirational lessons from different authors

Have a happy and prosperous 2015


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014



This is how great talents praised and worshipped the Most High God in the Youth Service MGS at City Harvest Church on 20th July!

1st Q Christian Dancers, Double E, City Shakers, Doreen Lifard, Norah Bernard, Miriam Kusula, Fridah Chavala and the young Tina Malulu

Norah Bernard leading City Shakers in praise

 Ester leading City Shakers in Praise
 City Shakers in Praise
 City Shakers in Praise
                                                                 City Shakers in Praise
City Shakers in Praise 
Chaval on keyboard 

Double E on stage 
Show me the dance 
Norah Bernard's talent for God! 
The audience 
1st Q Christian Dancers 
Shake shake 1st Q Christian Dancers 
Miriam Kusula in worshiping the Most High 
Miriam Kusula in worshiping the Most High 
Come on all, Let us worship the Most High God 
"I worship You Lord" 
Little Tina's talent is for God's Glory! 
Tina Malulu: Also Video on YouTube:
Little Tina Malulu leads praise! Just 9 years old! 
We are not behind, very present here for God 
Abel Yohana of City Harvest TV interviews Author Doreen Lifard of the book "Ruhusu Kusudi na Mpango wa Mungu katika Maisha Yako"
Interview Video on YouTube:

So, Doreen the author has got something going on for music too! Here showing her skills with guitar!
ARISE AND SHINE! Also on YouTube:

The next MGS will be on 17th August 2014 at City Harvest Church, Victoria Building, Mabibo Garage

Friday, June 13, 2014


Hii si ya kukosa. Uzinduzi wa kitabu cha kijana huyu Doreen Lifard utakaoambatana na Tamasha la Kusifu na Kuabudu pale Uhuru Moravian (karibu na Msimbazi Centre) tar. 15 Juni,  2014 siku ya jumapili kuanzia saa 7:30 mchana

Friday, March 7, 2014


I cordially invite you to the release of the Biography of the late Evangelist Bishop Dr. Moses Kulola; YOOOH; UTAPENDA NISEME? HUDUMA NA MAISHA YA MOSES KULOLA, by Dr. Charles Sokile.

Dr. Moses Kulola, popularly known as Mwinjilisti Kulola was promoted to glory in August 2013 after a successful evangelistic ministry spanning over 50 years in Tanzania and beyond.

This book is a result of research and publications of many of Dr. Sokile’s scholarly works in documenting the history of lives of men and women of God in Tanzania, focusing on the Christian leaders. Other books already written by Dr. Sokile include “NDANI YA KANISA: Maisha ya Elinaza Sendoro” in 2012; “AARON B.C. MABONDO: A Walk of Faith. The Untold Story of God’s Works and Miracles in the Life of an Ordinary Tanzanian” in 2010; and “AARON B.C. MABONDO : Safari ya Imani. Miujiza na Matendo Makuu ya Mungu Kupitia kwa Mtumishi wa Kawaida Mtanzania” in 2010.

The event will take place at the EAGT Temeke Church Grounds at Temeke, Dar es Salaam, on 9th March 2014, Sunday from 2.00pm.

Thank you for creating time to grace this event.

Best regards,

YOU CAN ORDER YOUR COPY AT 0714 48 45 04/0714 94 93 12 after Launch FOR ONLY TSH 10,000 PLUS POSTAGE

Dr. Charles Sije Sokile

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

COME AS YOU ARE. (Matthews 11:28NIV)

By Nickodemus Shaboka Jr (from facebook)
“Come to me ALL (Alcoholics, Drug addicts, Homosexuals, Sex-workers, Masturbators, Liars, Swindlers, Abortionists, polygamist, playboys, go diggers, you name it) who are weary and burdened, (oppressed, depressed, ashamed of their doings, embarrassed of their actions, tired of their way of life, wanting to quit but don’t know how) and I (Jesus) will give you rest (Peace of mind, inside-out transformation, change of life, strengthening of character, impartation of godly living, power to help you live Godly, set you free from demonic oppression). This is the best Jesus can do for us people. John 14:6 Jesus says “I am the way (to heaven, to God, to finding the purpose of life), the truth (trustworthy truth) and the life (For the body, soul and spirit, in the present age and the coming one, in this and the next life after death). So finding Jesus is finding an indescribable gift that one can get in this World. Even the Diamond Ring that Prince Adam gave to his wife cannot be compared to the value of finding Jesus.
My brother, my sister, my Friend, you don’t have to change so that you can be accepted by God, just come as you are and Jesus will change you. No man is able to help himself out of sin; the only power to transform mankind is in Jesus. Accept him today and your life will never remain the same.

Christian Fellowship, Tafes Udom, Udom HRSA, Love Age Society, USIA, YUNA Udom Chapter

Sunday, January 26, 2014


In this context, there are people who will DIE before they LIVE - Prof. Mbennah (SA)
You were made for something. There was first an Agenda by God, then a Sketch of it, followed by the Construction/Creation of you to Perfectly Fit that Purpose. Your birth was not a suprise to God, no matter how you were born! Yer. 1:5 and Lk. 1:13-17


HATIMAYE jengo Kanisa la TAG City Harvest limezinduliwa na kuwekwa wakfu na Askofu Mkuu wa Tanzania Assemblies of God, Rev. Dk. Barnabas Mt...